32 Bits Online
A graphic programmer's shop magazine, a power player’s gaming guide, a multimedia how-to -- it’s a little bit country and a little bit rock 'n' roll -- but OS/2 users will find quite a few gold nuggets.
Shareware, freeware, news, rumors, discussion and other tidbits related to 32 Bit OS software is compacted here with download bays.
So much software, so little time. You hear about hot, new programs, but sometimes they are hard to find. Why waste time running to your local software dealer? At, you can download all the latest programs direct from the manufacturer.

CD-ROM Software from MediaPhiles
MediaPhiles is your bargain basement for CD-ROMs. Over 10,000 in stock and more on the way!

Children's Software
Learn about what programming, downloads, reviews, and more may be beneficial or detrimental to the child computer user: includes fun children's games, wallpaper, and icons for their desktops.

Cool Tool of the Day
A tool a day keeps frustration away. See what's on the menu for todays computing tool. All of the past picks of the day are also accessible and can be found either by date, operating system or subject.
CNET's lives up to its name, offering tons of shareware software and freeware programs, recommendations and product reviews.

Eliminate frustrating file transfer problems. Files are delivered directly to your desktop. Should your connection be severed abruptly, the transfer will automatically resume the next time you connect.

File Dudes
Hip collection of files for the Windows 95, Windows 3.x and Macintosh operating systems. The File Dudes add to their stash through a network of affiliate sites.

File Pile
Over 1.2 million shareware and freeware files for you to download, should you have the time. (If not, try the search function to find what you're looking for.) Whether you're seeking drivers, games or pictures, this is the place to start.

Free Site, The
It's all free: Java goodies, Webmaster tools, icons, graphics, sounds and client utils for every occasion. Every link and download is reviewed to save you time.

Hensa Micros
Mirrors the major software archives for a one stop search and throws in its own directories for uncommon platforms. Also mirrors multimedia and literary archives.

Sells and supports brand name computer hardware and software products. Offers applications for e-commerce, mailing fulfillment and work force scheduling.

Internet Goodies
This software index rivals the U.N. in crossing all borders. Using a simple categorization by OS, indispensable tools can be found for overlooked platforms such as Irix, Ultrix, Mach, Amiga, Atari and many of the most popular Linux utilities.

Kid's Domain
Game and icon downloads recommended by families and teachers. There are children's software reviews, online safety tips, holiday pages and contests for kids.

Learn about the company's line of Internet software for children and their families.

McAfee Mall
Specializing in virus protection software but offering security and remote user software as well, McAfee Mall allows you to purchase products online or simply peruse their utility-focused selection. Tucows
Self labeled “The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software” and "the world's best software site," Tucows specializes in Internet software-browser and networking tools but includes several general multimedia tools as well.

MyDesktop Network: Technology Information at your Fingertips
A network of detailed technical information sites covering the Windows platform, gaming, and general software reviews.

Look at reviews, buy online or just browse lists of new and used computer equipment, supplies and software.
No true Windows 95 collection would be complete without a dose of registry hacks and you'll find plenty of them here. Even seasoned veterans will find loads of new ideas in the large collection of tips.

PC Mall
If you're looking for a large selection of software available for your PC, the PC Mall can almost surely find what you're looking for. They also supply a useful email service to send you email updates on low priced items as they arise.

Sander's KeyScreen Previewer
You've found the file you're looking for. You think it's the program you saw on your friend's machine, but you're not sure. Before you spent 20 minutes or more downloading it, stop by here to see a screen shot to confirm that it's what you expect.

Snap Software Downloads
Use this page to search or browse for thousands of software downloads in categories including games, business, multimedia and the Internet.

Snap Software Guide
Is Windows 98 for me? How can I download a browser? Where can I find my favorite game software? Get the answers to these questions and more. Includes a searchable database of software downloads.

Softseek offers a free e-mail newsletter highlighting the shareware, freeware and evaluation software for Windows 95/NT, Windows 3.x and DOS. A featured download is updated daily.

Software Central
For updated reviews, downloads, and links to, this resource compiles thousands of products according to their popularity and release dates. Compare and learn about various applications, tools, utilities and enhancements for your PC.

Software Library
The Software Library has several Windows95 treats including reviews and downloads, some free. The diligent visitor can find some rather interesting software in their vast archives.

Software Shack, The
Keeping up with all the new shareware out there can be an intimidating and frustrating task. The Software Shack not only tracks what's new, but sends you monthly e-mails to keep you informed of the latest programs in its archives.

Software USA
If spending hours downloading shareware isn't your idea of fun, you might consider joining this software club. For a fee, Software USA will send you a monthly CD-ROM with over 50 top shareware programs.
Offering shareware, freeware and trial software programs. Provides software for business, games, e-mail tools, information management, multimedia and graphics, the Internet and networking and a whole lot more.

Dive into Tucows-tested and rated Internet software. All manner of editors, Internet utilities, viewers, Web-design programs and browser tools are at hand. They are/have The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software.

These dogs chase away 95 percent of the software they see, storing the rest (along with their bones) here. PC programs, many of them free, are reviewed and graded. They are The Ultimate Directory Of Gratis Software.

UUNet Archive
The granddaddy of FTP archives: comprehensive categories of multi-platform software can be navigated using frequently updated directories. From Unix, Perl, SCO, GNU and Usenet archives to Sun, Mac and Windows, it's all here.

WindowsCentral Software Explorer
Download demos and shareware for the world's most popular operating system. Finding the latest, greatest tools and utilities is a cinch with this section of windowscentral.

What's new in the realm of Windows drivers? Find out here or search by company name or FCC ID number. You could always take Driver Education.