Responsibility in the Arts

07/12/00 - Temecula, CA


Many people complain about degradation in the arts, but Kari Skousen of Murrieta and Bill Kilpatrick of Temecula are actually doing something about it. Along with Kari’s sister, Rebecca Thompson, of Washington state, the three have formed a non-profit public benefit corporation, the Responsibility in the Arts Foundation, or RITA.

"We believe in the power of art," Skousen said. "I think society is defined by its cultural arts. If they are positive and uplifting, it says something about that community and it brings people up to that level. The opposite is true also."

The trio felt the need for non-profit support as they worked through a five-year process of producing their work, "Jane Eyre, The Musical," based on the epic book by Charlotte Bronte. Currently in rehearsal for performance at Temescal Canyon High School Theatre August 17-19 and 24-16, "Jane Eyre" is the first project sponsored by RITA Foundation.

"We saw the need for an organization like ours because we were having trouble getting our [production] on its feet. Now we can offer a tax deduction for every donation and there are many businesses that cannot or will not make donations without the 501 3(c) designation," Skousen said. As a result of foundation status, "Jane Eyre" has received many donations from businesses and individuals, making the production more professional.

Although this first project is the founders’ own, RITA has committed to at least one project and two grants per year in disciplines including literary, media, performing, visual and interdisciplinary arts. "We want to help new artists develop their work in a professional way. We want to get them the opportunity to see their work reach its potential and in the process of reaching its potential, reach others."

Skousen said the Foundation goal of bringing the positive to the forefront, does not mean they are looking for sugar-coated reality. "Jane Eyre has sadness and dark elements, but she rises above those things. It portrays the triumph of integrity over compromise – that’s a huge message right there! It doesn’t mean it doesn’t show the sad and negative things."

Skousen argues passionately, "Perhaps no other medium has as much influence on society as its cultural and fine arts. It behooves those artists and performers who wield such power to do so responsibly, with an aim to better society, not to feed its baser cravings. By focusing on this caliber of art, we can do our small part to make the world a little bit better."

"We want the community to know RITA is here for their benefit," Skousen said. "To bring artistic works out on a professional level we need their support and community involvement. I think [in Jane Eyre] we are going to have something very, very special to offer the community and something they don’t even expect."

If you would like more information regarding RITA Foundation, either to make a donation or to apply for support, you can contact Skousen at 696-7019 or e-mail:

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