Charity Begins At Home

07/12/00 - Temecula, CA

When you picture someone who has served the poor of our community for over a decade, who counsels and befriends the homeless, who makes sure those in need have a box full of groceries year-round and presents for their children at Christmas, you might think of someone soft-spoken, mild-mannered.

Margie Hammersley of the T.E.A.M. Community Pantry located on Main Street in Old Town Temecula, is the person described above; but when it comes to helping the poor, she is more like a bulldog than a quiet saint. What has her riled up now are donations gathered in our valley that are shipped out to Riverside or points beyond.

While town growth has brought in corporate and large store drives, ironically, those drives often serve larger communities. Meanwhile, that same growth has brought the community pantry increased referrals from government welfare services, local churches, the California Highway Patrol and local police and fire departments. Hammersley said she finds the pantry increasingly in competition for canned foods and donations with groups that don’t serve our local population or serve for specialized occasions like the holidays, rather than the year-round service of the pantry.

Iris Hooper of JoAnn Etc. of Temecula noticed the same problem in the charity work her store participated in. “In this community, we don’t mind giving,” Hooper said. “What really gets me is when the donations we give go right out to Riverside. I don’t see the point in helping someone else when my home still isn’t fixed. We need to take care of home first.” When JoAnn Etc. decided to do something for the community, a main motivation for coordinator Hooper was to make sure everything stayed right here. What Hooper has organized is a canned food drive to benefit the Community Pantry that she hopes will set a world record.

“It’s called Peace Mountain,” Hooper said of the cans being collected at a myriad of sites around the community. On Saturday, November 11, from 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., the drive will conclude at JoAnn’s Temecula location in a pyramid of canned goods that will hopefully top 9000 cans. If it does it will be certified by the Guinness Book of Records as the biggest mountain of food. “Van Avery Prep School already has 2200 cans collected,” Hooper said.

Besides, Van Avery, Hooper has organized many corporate partners as drop-off sites. With most of the food the pantry distributes year-round, collected during the holiday season, this drive will go a long way to supporting our local needs. --------------------- If you would like to be a part of this event, look for carts or bins at Ralph’s Markets, California Bank and Trust, the Temecula Chamber of Commerce, Community National Bank, Beds “N” Threads, KATY radio, Timmy D Productions, Office Depot, ADA-VIS Global Insurance, LDA Temeku Insurance, Office Depot, Neighbors newspaper, California T’s, or Sally’s Beauty Supply.

The M.O.M.S. club is going door to door to add to the collection. The T.E.A.M. Community Pantry is open to serve and collect donations of canned goods, fresh produce, and clothing, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, or by appointment, at 41910 Main Street, Temecula. You can reach them by calling 676-8022.

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