School Board Elections

11/1/99 - Temecula, CA

Is the life cycle so prevalent even school boards have to go through it? If so, I sure will be glad to get out of the pre-teens. Those years produce great growth, admittedly, but not very pleasant.

As it is, Temecula Valley Unified School District is now ten years old. When Dr. Pat Novotney first took the helm, there was only one elementary school and one middle school. Under her tenure, unification occurred, adding the high school, and then gradually, and soon exponentially, the last decade saw growing pains of nineteen

schools added. That is a lot of height! No wonder everyone got crabby.

The first signs of pre-pubescence were surely Patti Smith’s election four years ago. Parents, teachers, even administrators were beginning to chafe at the benign autocracy Dr. Novotney ran. Complaints were she micro-managed, she held tight control, you disagreed with her at your peril. When Dr. Novotney gave you a choice, it was like asking a three-year-old which color socks she wanted to wear, blue or green, but, by now we knew red and yellow existed too. We wanted to grow up, have our own opinions.

So we chose Patti Smith, who like every 11-year-old’s best friend, had a knack for understanding and a knack for talking back. We liked both.

Because of that, we elected her friends. However, as happens so often in middle school, once her clique was together, she shut us out. They started being mean to everybody who wasn’t in their group.

Like a set of braces, they went about straightening things. Improvements people had been looking a long time for were enacted: more accountability, remedial help, single-track school, completion of buildings. However, the tightening was so unpleasant and began to hurt so much, people again began to complain that they micro-managed, held tight control, and you disagreed with them at your peril. Everyone seems glad the day has come to take the braces off.

Now we head into our teens in Temecula, the time one truly sets the path for their future. We are better off for the strife we have behind us. Adolescence was made to help us know who we want to be. I think we are done having our own little groups of twos or threes and can come and reason together.

In a less turbulent phase, the refrain about this election might have been the quality of the candidate slate. I wanted to cast more than two votes. Adolescence however, brought out the worst in all of us.

Don’t worry about it. The life cycle does prevail. We will grow up. We will establish ourselves. Wipe off your brows worried parents, the pre-teens are over – or almost over.

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