The Rule of Law will Rule:

07/12/00 - Temecula, CA

I've caught myself doing this lately, and I did it again today. I took a catalog in one hand, turned on the computer with another, and dialed the phone, all at the same time. The catalog was to fill any moments while I was waiting for the computer to come on or the phone to answer. This modern world has made me so easily distracted. I want every moment filled.

So now, in the best irony for our internet connected, dsl world -- a wait to see who won the presidential election. Does our higher power have a sense of humor! And if we have to wait, well okay we say, but tell us the date, give us the deadline! But there is no deadline. In 1876, the networks tell us, the outcome was unknown for months! Wow, deal with that one.

Then, put in all the family intrigue – now we have not Richard, but William Daley! That is precious. I had to laugh as Daley, Gore’s campaign manager, was interviewed on t.v., saying something about the fairness of the vote. The guy after him said, "I can’t believe he can say that! It was this man’s father who stole the election for Kennedy in 1960!"

I have a feeling we are going to hear a lot about the nobleness of Nixon conceding the 1960 election before this thing is over, but remember, the Florida recount wasn’t triggered by Gore, but by Florida law, whose sworn to uphold the law governor is Jeb Bush. That would be George W.’s brother. This is a t.v. movie, right?

Even with all the unknowns, I am surprised at how little worry I feel, and for that I am supremely grateful to be an American. Considering the state of most of the world’s democracies, or those trying to find democracy, or those that hide behind a façade of democracy, I feel confident that in the end, we will have a winner based on the rule of law, whether awarded the electoral college in a recount, or in a court, or even in the House of Representatives.

The race is almost becoming blasé for me. I’ll admit I have watched more t.v. than usual. I do tune into CNN or MSNBC if I’m home and I see an hour coming around -- just to see what, if anything is new. Still, despite the weeks worth of talking heads sounding intrigue and alarm that we have faced and will continue to face, I don’t worry we are facing a constitutional crisis.

The rule of law. It is a beautiful thing. That is why we can prosecute a sitting president. That is why you can file injunctions and plead your case before a court. And that is why the presidential election will resolve fairly – even if we do have to wait.

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