“Bang Bang in Temeculi - Temecula”

04/15/00 - Temecula, CA

In a move to save the city tens of thousands of dollars, mock gunfighting has been banned from Western Days scheduled for April 15 and 16 in Old Town. The event, sponsored by private groups in the past, was picked up by the city this year, when no other sponsor was found.

Although city councilors say the reason for the decision is the noise and political climate around gun play these days, I suspect our wise and wonderful benefactors are protecting us from something more insidious. After all, Zev Buffman had his vision of future Temecula (now Murrieta) when he zoomed off the interstate for a quick lunch stop in Old Town. “He passed this way, he passed this way . . .” – You have to have just enjoyed the annual performance of “Temeculi, Temecula” to hear the melody for those words in your head.

Anyway, back to the story – it happened years ago before school shootings were the norm, but not so long ago there were real gunfighters on the Temecula streets. Sitting down to lunch, all of a sudden shots rang out and BAM! BANG! an idea which would cost both cities a lot of dough for consultants and elections and staff reports, went off in Buffman’s head.

This is the real danger of the gunfighters. But horseplay aside, I don’t know why we spent hundreds of thousands of redevelopment funds to create an Old West atmosphere in Old Town and then kick out the gunfighters. Have the Earp brothers filed a complaint?

My trips to Western Days through the years, especially when I had small children, were just to see the gunfights. The schedule is well publicized – every hour, on the hour. People may be caught off guard, but have we really become so humorless or so dangerous in Temecula, that this is a problem? Do we suspect marauding gangs in the streets? After all, even Margarita Middle School has left behind marauding for the more mellow mascot of a mustang.

I am sympathetic to the complaints city councilors hear about noise and very appreciative actually to their sensitivity toward guns. In the area of gun control I am an A+ liberal. I have noticed guns, and the fear of guns, to have popped up recently in conversations with my youngest son who is in elementary school. I do feel sad it is an issue for him. However, the gunfights are what have made our Hollywood set of an Old Town come alive. They are not a commentary on or relevant to tragic deaths.

Let us not be afraid of current events or wild dreamers in  our midst. After all, isn’t Temecula better off for the dialogue and definition created by Zev Buffman’s dream? Be brave, o modern City of Temecula and bring the gunfighter’s back. The noise can be abated by wearing ear plugs. If you are worried about future Zev’s, do what all city dwellers do. Take the city wallet out of your back pocket and buy a money belt.

Contact Shari Crall at: shari@temelink.com

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