AAA Kids Online
Visit Kid's Radio to find out more about the popular show from Sydney, Australia, and check out their links of interest to youngsters.
Great place in spite of a Spartan appearance and Norman Rockwell icons. Kids can learn about animals in the zoo or click over to the science museum. Teens can spend time at High School Central, Teens Speak Out or Teen City. Wholesome entertainment.

Children's Interests
A set of links to use as a directory for any and all topics of interest to kids. Covers general-interest pages plus more specific topics like the Air Force, frog dissection, Nancy Drew and many, many more. A great resource for kids' stuff on the Web.

Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge. It's clear that this virtual playground exalts the inner life of children to its rightful throne. Check out news and reviews from adults and art and articles by the young set.

ENN Kids Entertainment
A fabulous place for youngsters to tune in for interactive entertainment galore. Here kids can find links to everything from television and movies to radio, magazines and CD-Roms.

FreeZone Chat Box
Scheduled, monitored chat times let kids and teens speak out about their concerns and issues.

Great Sites
Hosted by the American Library Association, this Internet primer includes definitions, safety tips, guidelines for selecting Web sites and pointers to over 50 sites worth seeing. Link back to the ALA home page for list of more than 700 sites.

Interesting Places for Kids
An award-winning site made by a concerned parent for his curious daughter. Covers topics of interest plus info on finding your way around the Web, especially for pages geared for kids.

Johnson County Kids' Page
Contains segments on the super sites of the month, facts and learning, book stuff, a newsstand, Just for Fun, arts and entertainment, materials for parents and educators plus several other resources and programs.

Kid Web 
A launching pad to popular children's sites.

Kids on the Web
Spend hours playing in the Fun Stuff areas, using homework tools, writing to pen pals or sifting through children's books and stories. Also contains educational sites, links for adults and teenagers and info about how to keep kids safe on the Net.

Kids' Space 
Kids' Space is truly that -- a community for young Netizens, featuring art, stories, music and poems by kids. A glossary defines technical terms like icon, and the Tips section explains how the Internet works, what e-mail is and other computer concepts.

Kids, Kids, Kids
A comprehensive directory of fun and educational sites for kids. Topics include writing and word games, science, art and music, holidays, adventures, government, sports, math, books, news and magazines, homework help and more.

Roo's Playground
Join this Winnie-the-Pooh kangaroo and take a look at his bookshelf, game cabinet and desk, plus send him e-mail, view his address book and pen-pal center, a set of links plus more.

Squigly's Playhouse
There are lots of things to do at Squigly's Playhouse. You will find games, puzzles, jokes and riddles, plus lots of ideas for fun activities. Join Squigly as he celebrates all the holidays with creative new pages.

WWW for Kidz
This site helps you have a fun, safe online learning experience. They offer hundreds of links to kids' sites, and have some games and puzzles of their own for you to download.

Yahoo! presents a directory for kids. Computers and Games offers shareware and software, while Art Soup delivers info on museums, dance and drama. Site also features homework help, sports trivia and news for -- and by -- the younger set.

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